Final Exhibition and Gallery Outcome
After 4 months working with the school and museum I took to the studio to start making the final gallery outcome with Helen Barff. We looked at Tudor vessels and a way of containing and communicating the ideas and topics from the project. Ensuring the pupils work was a visible part of the work was essential, we worked on two pots to give ourselves more options for experimentation. We sent the drawings from the mapping day back to the pupils and asked them to colour them in using a palette of colours that would have been available through trade in the Tudor period. We transferred these images onto the pots and used the colour decisions of the pupils to inform this decoration. We cleaned up all the casts and cast objects from Study day 2, when the artwork finds its home in the new Tudor and Stuart Gallery at the museum the cast will form the river bed for the pot to sit on.
Ben and I worked together to generate an exhibition of all the work carried out for the project, some pictures of this can be seen in te adjacent image gallery.