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Documenting Deptford with 

The National Maritime Museum and

St Stephens Primary School


November 2016 saw the start of an exciting new project that I am working on with the NMM. Responding to the brief for an artist to work with historians from the museum and an archeologist from the Thames Discovery Programme I am working with the Museum and St Stephens Primary School yr6 developing creative skills and making, in response to what we find out about Deptford and it's maritime history, past and present. Working with me on the project is Helen Barff an artist who has worked with objects from the Thames in her own practice, Helen has provide a masterclass in plaster casting using the pupils discoveries from 'mudlarking' on the Thames. Helen will also be involved in the fabrication of the final gallery outcome. 

The project is formed of 3 study days, delivered by Ben Weddell from the National Maritime. For each study day I have designed a creative response.

The project is working towards a 3D gallery outcome that will be presented in the new Tudor and Stuarts Seafarers Gallery due to open in 2018. From the work produced with the pupils I will fabricate this object that will communicate what the pupils would like to relay about their understanding of Deptford's place in history and as well as communicating something of their lives in Deptford now.

The sessions with the school are now complete, all details can be accessed by clicking the images adjacent. I will update information on the Final Gallery Outcome and The Exhibition of all the pupils work as it develops so keep an eye out!

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